Date 06-02-2024 Time 19:00
Location Lot 4225 Tambrey Dr, Karratha WA 6714, Australia

AGM - All postitions declared vacant.

Minute Taker

P&C Secretary
Secretary PCS


Leah Lobato
1 Welcome & Apologies
2 Confirmation of minutes from last meeting
3 Reports
3. 1 Uniform shop report
3. 2 Canteen comittee report
3. 3 Principals report
4 Treasurer report
5 Elections Office Bearers
5. 1 President
5. 2 Vice President
5. 3 Secretary
5. 4 Treasurer
6 Bank access - WESTPAC
7 Elections Canteen Comittee
7. 1 Canteen comittee President
7. 2 Canteen Comittee Treaurer
7. 3 Canteen comittee secretary
8 Election of Uniform co-ordinator
9 Audit of financial
10 Request Teacher Wishlist for next meeting
11 Next Meeting
12 Close